Summary of proposals

Developer PGMI is working with the owners of the site, Network Rail, to submit a planning application for:

  • a newly designed area of public realm roads and landscaping
  • approximately 450 square metres of commercial space
  • 33 new apartments
  • gardens and play areas
  • undercroft car parking for residents
  • creation of a new access route to the land PGMI already owns between the High Street and the train station car park

The operation of the train station will carry on as normal with as little disruption as possible should the proposals go ahead.

How the Transformation could look

The site is currently made up of the existing access road, a commercial car sales business, poor quality landscaping and tarmac, and a small taxi rank.

There is an urgent need for new homes in the locality. The Great Missenden train station forecourt is identified in the Brownfield Land Register and is therefore listed as a priority for redevelopment. The proposals include approximately 37 new one and two bedroom apartments built above ground floor commercial spaces, and resident parking spaces.

The commercial spaces are conveniently located near the station and will cater to passing trade. They are deliberately sized to meet a local client base so that people will be able to walk, cycle or use public transport to access them.

Overall, the site is highly accessible and provides a great opportunity to improve the appearance of the area around the station and better represent the high quality of Great Missenden village.